Materials Needed:
(Ideal) Block printing ink
(Realistic) Leftover house or craft paint
(Ideal) Professional brayer
(Realistic) Empty toilet paper roll
(Ideal) Styrofoam sheets
(Realistic) Old carryout container
Step 1:
Find inspiration by browsing the online collections at We chose Musk Ox by Kananginak Pootoogook, a stone cut on paper.
Step 2:
Draw your design onto the foam with a pen or pencil. Press down to make indentions in the foam. Anywhere you make a line will remain white when the color print is created.
Note: Your print will turn out backwards. Keep this in mind if you are adding letters or words!
Step 3:
Next, use a flat surface like a paper plate to spread your paint. Roll the toilet paper roll across the paint and try to get an even coating.
Step 4:
Roll the paint gently over the surface of your design.
Step 5:
Press the paint side of your design firmly onto a piece of paper.
Step 6:
Peel off the foam to reveal your print!
Tip: Too much paint or not enough? You can reuse your foam print to practice. The foam is easily washable with water, allowing you to experiment with different colors and techniques