Tulsa Artist Fellowship and Gilcrease Museum present Recall/Respond, a multi-phased contemporary arts exhibition that includes works by both current Tulsa Artist Fellows, as well as Fellowship alum. By engaging in conversation with contemporary artists, this exhibition confronts complex histories within the interdisciplinary Gilcrease collections of the art, history, and culture of greater North America.
The first phase of Recall/Respond: Tulsa Artist Fellowship and Gilcrease Museum Collaboration opens Friday, June 21 and will remain on view through October 13, 2019. Works include a variety of arts media, such as photography, painting, sculpture, textile, performances, video and outdoor installations.
Participating Tulsa Artist Fellows include Molly Murphy Adams, Steve Bellin-Oka, Shane Darwent, Rena Detrixhe, Daniel Farnum, Yatika Fields, Edgar Fabián Frías, Elisa Harkins, Jessica Harvey, Rachel Hayes, Clemonce Heard, Karl Jones, and Joel Daniel Phillips.
About Tulsa Artist Fellowship
With the belief that arts are critical to the advancement of cultural citizenship, Tulsa Artist Fellowship supports both local and national artists while enriching the Tulsa community. Tulsa Artist Fellowship is a civic enhancement initiative of the George Kaiser Family Foundation.