Gilcrease Museum is temporarily closed for construction.

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Focus on Favorites

March 16, 2014 - August 21, 2016

Gilcrease Museum presents a treasure of art, artifacts and historical documents that reveal the American experience. Thomas Gilcrease amassed an extraordinary collection that was recognized for excellence during his lifetime and has become known as one of America’s finest museums.

Focus on Favorites brings together many of the most admired and finest examples from the Museum’s expansive collections in one place for all to see and enjoy. Important portraits of some of our nation’s founders, magnificent landscapes by Bierstadt and Moran, Audubon’s iconic painting of the American turkey as well as more recent masterpieces by George Inness and John Singer Sargent will be on view. Masterpieces of western painters including Frederic Remington, Charles Russell and George Catlin will be included. Each week the public has the opportunity to vote for their favorite piece in the show.

However, Thomas Gilcrease’s extraordinary collection also included other kinds of artistic treasures. Examples of some of the finest Native American artistry will be represented by the best examples of 10,000 year old stone spear points, carved and polished Hopewell pipes, and elaborately decorated conch shells from Spiro Mounds. Some of the Museum’s most important documents such as the handwritten copies of the Articles of Confederation and the Declaration of Independence will be represented by high resolution facsimiles in order to preserve the originals for future generations.