April Collection Exploration Guide: Animals


Look closely at the painting Forest Scene by Pop Chalee.

Scene with woodland animals, painted in illustration style
Forest Scene, Pop Chalee, late 20th century, tempera on paper

Can you find:

  • A family of skunks?
  • Pink squirrels? How many?
  • Four blue bunny rabbits?
  • Antlers?
  • Two pink bears?
  • Four deer?
  • Yellow flowers?



Wooden sculpture of a fish atop a turtle
The River, Willard Stone, mid-20th century, aged cherry and oak wood

The River is a wooden sculpture of a turtle and a fish, two animals that can be found in rivers, lakes, and streams. Both in the sculpture and in real life, fish and turtles have flat, thin bodies that make it easier for them to swim in the water.

What else do fish and turtles have that make it easier for them to live in the water?
What other animals live in the water?
With your grown up, visit your nearest lake, pond, or stream and see if you can find some animals in the water there.


Painting of a Native girl on a hillside, her skirts blown backward as shewatches over sheep
Watching Over Her Flocks, Qunicy Tahoma, 1945, tempera


The painting Girl Watching over her Flocks shows a young girl standing with a flock of sheep.

What would her flock of sheep sound like?
What would they feel like to touch?
If you were standing next to her, what do you think the weather would feel like?
What do you think happened before this moment?
What could happen next?



Painting of a grizzly bear standing on rocks over a pond, his reflection below him
Grizzly Bear With Reflection in Water, Gary Montgomery, late 20th century – early 21st century, oil on canvas

Grizzly Bear with Reflection in Water  shows an animal in its natural habitat. A habitat is the natural home for an animal or plant.

Where have you seen animals in their natural habitats? Show where your favorite animal would live in the wild by drawing a picture or making a diorama using an old box and things you find around your house and outside in nature.




Actividad de colecciones en línea de Abril – Animales


Forest Scene, Pop Chalee, late 20th century, tempera on paper

Mire de cerca la pintura de Forest Scene (Escena del bosque) de Pop Chalee.

Puedes encontrar:

  • ¿Una familia de zorrillos?
  • ¿Ardillas rosas? ¿Cuántas?
  • ¿Cuatro conejitos azules?
  • ¿una cornamenta?
  • ¿Dos osos rosados?
  • ¿Cuatro venados?
  • ¿Flores amarillas?


The River, Willard Stone, mid-20th century, aged cherry and oak wood

The River (El río) es una escultura de madera de una tortuga y un pez, dos animales que se pueden encontrar en ríos, lagos y arroyos. Tanto en la escultura como en la vida real, los peces y las tortugas tienen cuerpos planos y delgados que les facilitan nadar en el agua.

¿Qué más tienen los peces y las tortugas que les facilite vivir en el agua?
|¿Qué otros animales viven en el agua?
Con un adulto, visite su lago, estanque o arroyo más cercano y vea si puede encontrar algunos animales en el agua allí.

Painting of a Native girl on a hillside, her skirts blown backward as shewatches over sheep
Watching Over Her Flocks, Qunicy Tahoma, 1945, tempera


El cuadro Girl Watching over her Flocks (Niña cuidando sus rebaños) muestra a una joven de pie con un rebaño de ovejas.

¿Cómo se imagina que suena el rebaño de ovejas?
¿Como se sentirían al tocarlos?
Si estuvieras junto a ella, ¿cómo crees que se sentiría el clima?
¿Qué crees que pasó antes de este momento?
¿Qué podría pasar después?



Grizzly Bear With Reflection in Water, Gary Montgomery, late 20th century – early 21st century, oil on canvas

Grizzly Bear with Reflection in Water muestra un animal en su vivienda natural. Un territorio o una vivienda natural es el hogar de un animal o una planta. ¿Dónde ha visto animales en sus territorios naturales? Muestre dónde viviría su animal favorito en la naturaleza haciendo un dibujo o haciendo una figura usando una caja vieja y cosas que encuentre en su casa o afuera en la naturaleza.