All fees shown below are commercial rates. Rates for nonprofit organizations will vary depending upon use.
Image Fees (per Image requested)
JPEG –low resolution: $25 (sent electronically)
TIFF – high resolution: $50 (sent electronically)
Digital Images of Documents: $4.00 per page
Use Fees (are in addition to Image Fees)
Interior of Publication:
Less than 10,000 copies: $75.00
10,000 – 24,999 copies: $125.00
25,000-100,000: $325.00
100,001 + copies: Price to be quoted by GM R&R Department
Exterior of Publication: $350.00
One Time Exhibition Film/Video/TV: $200.00
Distribution of Film/Video/TV: $200.00 per year
Software: $120.00 per year of distribution/support
Website & Other Internet Usage: $100.00 per year
Education Research Paper, Thesis, Visual Presentation: No charge.
Image requests must be submitted six (6) weeks prior to the date needed to allow adequate processing time. Otherwise, a Rush Fee will be charged.
For orders under $1,000.00: $75.00 to $200.00
For orders over $1,000.00: 50% of the order
All forms of media remain the property of Gilcrease Museum and must be destroyed within 90 days unless specific permission is given.